

Expect delivery 8 to 12 days from date of booking

With a climbing growth habit and lobed leaves, Philodendron squamiferum resembles its relatives Monstera deliciosa as well as Philodendron bipennifolium and pedatum in appearance. Fortunately, if you look closely enough, you can’t really mix this species with other tropical aroids. It has a very distinguishing characteristic called pubescence, which is a botanical term for the red, fuzzy ‘hairs’ that cover the stems of the plant. Since Philodendron squamiferum climbs very tall trees in its natural rainforest habitat in French Guiana, Suriname, and Brazil, there is practically no upper limit to how tall it can grow.

Shipping for the Plant will take 5-7 business days.
Within 24 hours after delivery, you must send us pictures if your plant is damaged or in poor condition. 

Delivery Specifics

  • Your door will receive hand delivery of the plants.
  • The exhibited image is illustrative in nature.
  • Because plants are natural items, the shape of the actual product may vary depending on availability.
  • Depending on what is available locally, the plant’s size and number of leaves will vary.
With a climbing growth habit and lobed leaves, Philodendron squamiferum resembles its relatives Monstera deliciosa as well as Philodendron bipennifolium and pedatum in appearance. Fortunately, if you look closely enough, you can’t really mix this species with other tropical aroids. It has a very distinguishing characteristic called pubescence, which is a botanical term for the red, fuzzy ‘hairs’ that cover the stems of the plant. Since Philodendron squamiferum climbs very tall trees in its natural rainforest habitat in French Guiana, Suriname, and Brazil, there is practically no upper limit to how tall it can grow.

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